Watching little kids dance is awesome, but watching little kids grind on each other in a sexual manner and call it dancing is all kinds of awful. I just came across two HORRIFYING videos of children dancing with each other in a way that can only be described as obscene.
Uh, shakin' my head in disbelief does not even begin to describe how I feel. I am disgusted by these videos that both show a little girl freakin' on a little boy in the nastiest most sexual way, while getting cheered on by adults. Are you effin' kidding me with this? Get ready to have your jaw hit the floor.
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The first video shows a little girl–I mean, at most she must be 10–and a little boy dancing with each other. The little girl's butt is right up against the little boy's crotch and she is working it in a way that would make Rihanna blush. The little boy is grinding right back and works in a few butt slappin' moves on occasion.
The idiotic adults witnessing the act squeal and cheer in delight like it is the cutest most wonderful most adorable thing they have ever seen. It's not, it's children acting in a sexually provocative manner and being praised for it.
Check out the video I'm talking about for yourself. Again, watch your jaw because it will hit the ground.
Oh and just in case you think this is a one case type of scenario. Think again, my naive friend. Here's the other video I was telling you about with even YOUNGER children pseudo-humping to the beat.
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Post by Roberto Luis Rivera Calderon.
There are actuallly tons of these videos floating around the internet, but I'm done looking. Enough with the nonsense!
What ever happened to protecting a child's innocence? When did it become okay to train our little girls to be lap dancers before they can even drive? When did it become okay to let little boys mimic the act of copulating as a party trick?
Image via YouTube