The father of a beautiful baby girl who passed away took to the internet with an incredibly touching request. He wanted a picture of his infant daughter without medical tubes. This heartbroken papá posted a picture on Reddit of his late daughter while she was in the hospital, her precious eyes looking directly at the camera with her little face and one hand covered in all sorts of tubes and medical paraphernalia.
The wording of his request will break your heart and the internet's response will piece it back together for you. Sometimes people are capable of so much kindness and this is one of those times. Wait until you see the pictures this grieving father was sent.
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His request was simple. It read:
Photoshop Request: My daughter recently passed away after a long battle in the children's hospital. Since she was in the hospital her whole life we never were able to get a photo without all her tubes. Can someone remove the tubes from this photo?
The response he got is amazing. People used their skills to create beautiful renditions of that child's portrait without the tubes. Overwhelmed by the kindness of netizens, the father thanked everyone by writing,
This is really amazing. Everyone you have made my day. All I wanted was a nice picture. What I received was a lot of love and support from a bunch of strangers. Along with a lot of great photos, drawings and paintings. Thanks everyone!
Now, check out just a few of the beautiful portraits that were made for this bereaved daddy:
Image via steffel07/Reddit

This picture is a treasure. It's such a sweet, angelic rendition.

This rendition was done by painting over the original photo.

The caption on this one is what really got to me. It reads, "I'm very sorry… My son is 9 months old and I couldn't sleep without at least trying."
Black and white

I love this black and white version, it's absolutely precious.

This rendition is so beautiful. I love the blue background.