There are some things that are worth paying top dollar for when you have kids–lice removal, car wash after leaving a milk bottle in the hot car over the weekend, and potty training. Yes, I said it: potty training. NYC Potty Training Inc. will train your kid to do his business–and it's not cheap. But for some people it's oh so worth it. Why didn't anyone think of this sooner!?
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I have two kids and one potty trained himself. One day out of the blue, I went to change his diaper and he was using the bathroom. I was sure it was because of my excellent parenting. But it turned out to be a fluke. My other child was not so easy to potty train and it took actual skills to teach him. Skills that I did not have. The process took forever and it was painful for both of us. I'm very frugal, but if it had been available, I think I would have paid to have someone come to our house to get it done.
And it appears that many people are doing just that. According to Good Morning America, business at NYC Potty Training is apparently booming just a month after opening its doors.
So how much does it cost to avoid getting your hands dirty, literally? It's $1,750 for two days of having the owner, Samantha Allen, an applied behavioral analysis teacher for kids with special needs, come to your home work with your child. It's $925 for just one day.
It's a lot of money, but when you think about your time (it can take months!), your mental health, the cost of diapers, and all of the laundry and cleaning up you may need to do after accidents, it seems worth it to me. Especially if you're under the wire–many preschools and camps won't take a child that isn't potty trained.
I'm sure there will be business like Allen's popping up all the country (if they haven't already) and hopefully they won't cost as much. Even in New York, Allen told GMA that she was thinking of hiring an employee that would cost less to have come to your home.
I know, mothers and fathers have been potty training kids for as long as there have been potties, but the world has changed. Families work long hours and each family's idea of quality time is different. Sometimes you just need to outsource to maintain your sanity. And you shouldn't be judged for it.
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