Kevin Blakenship is a writer, producer and cartoonist from Oklahoma. On the weekends, this working dad makes pancakes for his two sons. Big deal, you're thinking, but Blakenship's pancakes are a sight to behold. They are artistic masterpieces made out of pancake batter. The man has got some serious griddle skills. Seriously, you are not going to believe your eyes.
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Big warning though, before you look at Blakenship's creations in the slideshow I put together below, please make sure that your kids or my kids are NOT around to see because I don't know about you, but I do not want to have to live up to this guy's pancakes. Too much pressure.
Image via Thinkstock

Olaf of Frozen fame is kind of a big deal in my home. My girls would flip for this pancake.

And the Oscar for best pancakes on a plate goes to…

This, my friends, is what a Lego mariachi band player looks like in pancake form.

Finally, a Manolo Blahnik shoe I can actually afford! I wonder if it comes in my size.

I would totally eat this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.