Mom delivers twin boys 6 weeks apart!

Two fraternal twin baby boys are miraculously thriving after their mom gave birth to them nearly six weeks apart. How? Kansas City mom Elene Cowan was 24 weeks along when she learned her amniotic sac was bulging in the birth canal. Doctors were unable to halt her labor so she was forced to deliver one of her sons, Carl, about 4 months early. That's enough to make any parent fear the worst. But thankfully, Carl and his brother, born several weeks later, pulled through and are now doing just fine.

Still, it wasn't easy. You'll never guess what caused the premature birth and how doctors were able to save both of her precious babies!

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Cowan's doctor believes an incompetent cervix may have caused the mom to go into labor early. After she delivered Carl (who was so teeny tiny, he only weighed one pound, 4 ounces at birth!), doctors stitched up her cervix and used medication in order to prevent his brother from being born early too. Cowan spent almost six weeks on bed rest before her next little guy, David, came along 39 days later on February 28. Wow, so these twins don't even share a birthday month!

David weighed less than three pounds, but Cowan says she thought he looked huge in comparison to Carl. Luckily, with lots of love and care, the now 4 and 6-month-olds are growing steadily and currently weigh around 9 pounds each. He twins were finally able to go home in late May, after spending a few weeks in the hospital.

It's always scary when a birth turns complicated, particularly in the cases of twins and other multiples, which are inherently riskier pregnancies. I'm just glad that Cowan and both her babies are OK and are finally getting to enjoy their time together as a family. Congrats to the happy mom!

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