When Heather Spohr's 3-year-old daughter Annie started preschool back in September, she was worried about missing what was happening at home while she was away, particularly with her baby brother James. So to keep her updated with what little James was up to during the school days, Spohr decided to get creative. Instead of just telling stories about their day, she started taking photos of James on his daily "adventures." Enter the adorable photo series, "While You Were at Preschool."
Over the last year, Spohr has captured James, who was 3 months when they started but is now a toddler, going about his everyday activities and then posting the photos ot her site, The Spohrs Are Multiplying. And the resulting pictures are too cute for words! Check them out after the jump.
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In the photos, Spohr sets James up with all kinds of props and costumes that properly showcase his adventures. In one, a baby James sits in a laundry basket, surrounded by clothes, with the caption reading, "While you were at preschool … I did the laundry." In another, he wears glasses, a mini-tie, and holds a fake wand, with the description reading, "While you were at preschool … I went to Hogwarts." Ha! How cute is that?!
Along with each photo, Spohr also documented Annie's hilarious reactions to the picture, as in, "Jamesie learned magic?!?! Will he teach me?!? (to the Hogwarts photo)."
I absolutely love this mom's idea and think it's such a great, fun way to not only help further a bond between two young siblings, but also capture some great memories. Now that Annie has graduated from preschool, the series has come to an end, but Spohr says she had so much fun with the project. It certainly looks like it! How can you not have fun with a kid this adorable?! Check out some of her pictures here:
Image via The Spohrs Are Multiplying

James after a hard days work of doing laundry! How cute is he?!

In this photo, James takes a cue from Harry Potter, to his big sister's delight!

Apparently, Annie wanted to learn how to play after seeing this picture!
Wild west

While his sister's at school, James explores a new frontier!

"Jamesie SHAVED?! That's so cool!" Annie said to this picture.

James became a star athlete in just one day!

Now a toddler, James is ready to pick some flowers for his big sister!