5 Natural baby products you can make yourself

We all want the best for our babies, but sometimes it can be hard to find products that are affordable and 100 percent safe. But just because you can't afford–or access–that pricey all-natural diaper rash cream, you don't have to resign yourself to the versions found in stores all across the U.S. There are actually a ton of baby products that you can make yourself, which will ultimately cost you pennies on the dollar compared to their store-bought counterparts. Plus, you control everything that goes into them, so you can completely tailor them for YOUR baby's specific needs, as well as your own preferences. 

Read more ¿Qué más?: 4 Easy ways to make laundry more natural

Check out the slideshow below for some awesome and super-easy ideas for DIY baby products:

Image via primallyinspired.com

Baby Wipes


Although I have yet to make my own baby wipes, I've had the recipe saved since before my son was born. All you need is a roll of super-soft paper towels, your favorite baby soap, water, coconut oil and an airtight container. These homemade wipes are also great as facial or makeup remover wipes. Get the tutorial here.

Cough Syrup


These days most cough and cold medicines are recommended for children 5 and older. There are some natural formulas that are safe for 2 and up, but they are pricey and actually contain ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. So why not make your own? The standard recipe involves honey, lemon juice and cinnamon or ginger. (Just be sure to not give this to baby's under 1 since the base is honey.) Here's my favorite recipe.

Laundry Detergent


I made a giant batch of this homemade laundry detergent while I was still pregnant, and literally did not have to worry about running out of detergent for months and months. Plus, I knew that my son's sensitive newborn skin would be safe from any harsh chemicals, because I used all-natural ingredients. And, I can't even begin to break down how cheap this recipe is.

Diaper Rash Cream


I'm not even lying when I say that I'm going out this afternoon to buy some more coconut oil and a bottle of lavender oil to make this diaper rash cream. My son has only ever had a handful of diaper rashes, but I coat his little bottom with cream every night to prevent them. I usually use coconut oil by itself when I run out of butt paste. The addition of soothing lavender makes this version a winner, and I have a feeling we'll be total converts after a few uses. Get the recipe here.

Baby Wash


A bottle of baby wash lasts a long time–especially before you start bathing your baby every day, but at $9-12 per bottle, the eco-friendly, organic brands are still expensive. I won't use anything else on my son (there have just been too many recalls, and whoa, formaldehyde? I don't think so), so I was thrilled to find this easy and affordable recipe for all-natural foaming baby soap.