Babies LOVE to be talked to. It's actually really important for their development, so if you are around a baby feel free to babble away, talk to them, read to them. It doesn't matter if you think they understand you or not, do it anyway. Your talking will obviously help them learn how to speak and just in case you think that a super young baby can't possibly be listening to you, let me show you a video of a 2-month-old cutie that proves that even the smallest child is not just listening, but learning and super eager to follow your lead.
You are not going to believe it until you see and hear it, but this baby actually says, "I love you" after hearing her father say it to her repeatedly.
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When I came across this video posted by Stephanie Passalacqua, the baby's mamá, I was a tad skeptical. I mean, I was sure the baby would be cute and making some kind of babbling noise that sounded kind of sort of like "I love you," but then I watched and I am now convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the baby was indeed trying to and succeeded at repeating what her father was saying to her.
How sweet is that? And how wonderful that the family was able to capture it all on video because you know that years from now when Passalacqua tries to tell the story of how when her baby was 2 months old she said, "I love you," people are going to roll their eyes and think it is another example of a mother over-bragging. That's when Passalacqua can roll the video footage back at their rolling eyes as proof.
Check out this amazingness!
Image via YouTube*