It is my belief that any mamá worthy of the title has a mama bear buried not all that deep inside of her. By that I mean that if our child is in danger we will go all animal kingdom instinctual and do what needs to be done to save our baby! Right?
You gotta figure that the whole mama bear term came from actually observing mama bears being protective with their cubs. A mama bear will not let you eff with her babies. I get that and I've seen examples of it before, but never like the one I'm about to share with you of a black bear saving her cub from traffic on a highway. It's amazing and so sweet.
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The footage was taken by tornado hunter Ricky Forbes who was driving in Kootenay National Park in British Columbia. He noticed a cub had somehow gotten over a barrier and was stranded ridiculously close to traffic. On the other side of the barrier you can see the concerned mother bear looking around, trying to decide what is the best course of action. You also see a sibling's little cub face peeking over the barrier.
There is no way that the stranded baby cub is going to get itself back to safety, it looks confused and scared. Then mama comes to the rescue and pulls her little one back to safety. I love her! She is a very good mother.
You really should watch this. You don't even have to have the sound on. Watch it!
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