Foodie dad eats his wife’s placenta in the yuckiest taco ever

Placenta eating is nothing new. A lot of moms and even celebrities like Kim Kardashian, have toyed with the idea. Supposedly it's filled with tons of benefits including the ability to ward off postpartum depression, improve breast milk supply, increase energy and even prevent wrinkles. Even so, none of that makes the idea of eating your own (or someone else's) placenta sound any less gross. But dad and food blogger Nick Baines was super curious to know how it tasted. So curious, he turned his wife's raw placenta into a taco. You're going to want to cover your mouth for this one!

Read more ¿Qué más? 'Teen Mom' star Kailyn Lowry is the latest star to eat her own placenta 

The crazy thing is, this wasn't a spur of the moment type of situation. Apparently, Baines had been thinking about this for a while. "Since my wife and I first discussed having a child, the thought of this one-time opportunity to eat human placenta had been rolling around my mind," he wrote in his article for The Guardian. He literally left the hospital with his wife, his newborn son and a bag filled with his wife's "still-warm placenta." Gross!

Baines initially decided to include some raw placenta in a home-made smoothie that also include bananas and coconut milk. But that experience didn't exactly go as planned. It was pretty disgusting actually. "Up front was the distinct flavour of banana, superseded by a metallic, bloody backnote. It had a mineral earthiness to it and tasted exactly like the delivery room had smelled," he wrote. What did he expect this thing to taste like? Fruit?

As terrible as that smoothie turned out, Baines wasn't quite ready to give up on his placenta eating yet. Oh no. Instead he decided he was going to use it to make tacos. "As I seasoned it on the chopping board, the bright, almost glowing red chunk of placenta was more attractive than many cuts of offal I've dealt with, and looked quite appetizing," he wrote in regards to his taco preparation. "The meat was rich with a beef-life quality. It was tender, kind of like roast brisket and not dissimiliar to Texas BBQ."

The photos Baines took of the Mexican-inspired meal are pretty deceiving too. If no one told you otherwise, you'd be absolutely certain that was just some medium raw steak in that tortilla mixed with garlic and cilantro. If I didn't know any better I'd say it looked kind of tasty. But knowing that taco was actually a placenta wrap is already upsetting my stomach. I don't think I'll ever look at a steak taco the same again!

Check out the nasty pictures here, if you dare!

Image via Nick Baines/Twitter