Just a week after one dad revealed the name the Internet chose for their baby, yet ANOTHER couple is turning to the web for help with their baby naming decision. I know what you're thinking–is this going to become a whole, annoying trend now where no one ever actually names their own child? That's what's first jumped into my mind too…but it turns out this time around, it's actually for a good cause!
Google employee Jason Morrison and his wife are going to let the Internet have a hand in the decision of what to name their son. But while it may help them narrow down their choices, it'll also make a huge difference to the kids around the world too. How? For every vote cast, Morrison (with help from Google) will donate $1 to Save the Children, which helps fund polio vaccinations for children in need. Pretty amazing, right?!
Read more ¿Qué más?: Parents let Internet pick their baby's name & get exactly what they deserve
Apparently, Morrison previously used a Google form to solicit help from the Internet to name their first child, daughter Athena. This time though, he decided to add an extra twist before doing the same. Since his wife is a nurse practitioner, the two decided to use this opportunity to raise money for children's health, with help from Google's employee matching program. Between all of them, they've pledged to raise up to $14,000.
I admit that the whole Internet-naming-your-baby thing has always sounded pretty ridiculous to me. But I LOVE that Morrison and his wife found a way to make it generous and truly worthwhile. I can't wait to see what the name they end up with and hope they get lots of votes towards the cause! You can cast your vote for their soon-to-be-born son's baby name here.
Image via Thinkstock