Daddy Showers: An awesome new way for papis to celebrate fatherhood

Baby showers usually mean cheesy party games and, of course, celebrating the pregnant woman with other women. It makes your wonder why the dads aren't involved and why they don't have their own celebration yet. After all, the woman isn't the only one about to become a parent! Finally, men have their own outlet to celebrate the coming of their unborn child.

Introducing the rise of the "Daddy showers"! Yay!

Read more ¿Qué más?: These 5 crazy baby shower trends are terrifying!

I've often wondered why  traditions such as marriage and baby showers haven't evolved after all this time. They're still very female centric and men aren't in on the fun or have much to celebrate. That's why I'm glad that these showers for dads are becoming a thing now.

Daddy showers are the equivalent to a low-key boys night where the father-to-be and his friends drink beer, play games, and he is given baby gifts. And shocker, then they go to a bar after the celebration. Websites such as Etsy are embracing the new tradition and offer memorabilia that can be purchased for said parties.

Party store owner Maureen Anders has seen a surge in requests for daddy showers. "With dads being much more involved in raising kids, and with more stay-at-home dads, having a special day for dad is really big," she said. There are even sites that mainly focus on daddy showers called which offers party favors, themed packages, and anything else a dad could want.

I for one am glad that guys can have their own fun while their wives celebrate their own baby shower.  I hope this catches on and maybe it will even inspire other traditions. For example, maybe men will soon have their own version of a bridal shower. At least it seems society is finally learning and adapting to the fact that gender roles have changed throughout the years.

Image via PencilMouthDesigns/