5 Awesome space-saving tubs for baby

Babies are small. You can bathe them in the kitchen sink or in a pot if you like. You don't have to have a tub for your baby if you don't want one, but I'll tell you that I found them quite useful. Babies can get kind of slippery when wet. What I don't love about lots of baby bathtubs is how big and bulky they are. Even if you have a large home with lots of storage space, a baby tub is something you use often and don't want to go storing away somewhere inconvenient. Fortunately, there are quiet a few wonderful space savinng baby tubs available nowadays.

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Here are five awesome space-saving baby bath options!

Image via Corbis Images

Prince Lionheart Flexibath Foldable Bathtub


This is brilliant. I mean, just look at it! 'Nuff said. Amazon, $45

Summer Infant Mother's Touch Deluxe Baby Bather


This handy little baby bather works in both a tub and an undivided kitchen sink. The cover can be removed and washed. The whole thing collapses for easy storage. Amazon, $20

Puj Flyte - Compact Infant Bath


This sink tub is great for travel or if you don't have a bathtub in your home. Baby not included. Amazon, $35

Munchkin Inflatable Safety Tub


This adorable tub is just ducky if you have the lungs to inflate it every time you want to use it. Amazon, $15

Dream On Me Tidy Tub Space Saving Expandable Baby Bathtub


Look, it's like an accordion and a tub got together for your baby bathing convenience. Amazon, $67