Hola mamacitas! I hope your family is healthy and blessed–and your kids probably growing FAST every day ,just like my baby boy! Toñito is 4 months now and I am obsessed in love with his baby feet! What is it about baby's feet that's just so cute? Everything! I love how pudgy Toñito's feet are, how they smell and especially how he giggles every time I tickle them. I want to share with you how Toñito and I care and play with his baby feet!
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1. Toñito's favorite song about feet is "Qué lindas paticas / ¿Quién te las dio? / Qué lindas y gorditas / Te las dio Dios!" I sing this song to him while smelling and tickling his feet.

2. Use this baby foot massage guide. Toñito likes to have his feet tickled and massaged especially after bath time when he's totally relaxed. I gently massage his feet using baby body lotion and use the guide to gently press on different pressure points.
3. Pediped Organic Seamless Cotton Socks ($5) are the best. We love his first pair of socks by this great brand. I like that they're organic and have no seams to pressure him, but also that they're not tight for his little feet.
4. Pediped shoes are great first shoes for baby! Barefoot is best, but sometimes baby needs a little more protection at home or outdoors. It's important to make sure that the shoes are soft, flexible and with a roomy toe box. Pediped shoes (all around $35) are designed for first walkers. They have soft leather soles with additional padding which allows the child to feel the ground while walking.
5. Baby's pedicure. Didn't I just trim the baby's toe nails the other day? You probably did! Baby's toenails grow very fast and for this reason you need to care for them well.Trim them often so they don't develop ingrown toe nails. Trimming or filing baby's toe nails is best after soaking baby's feet in warm water which softens them and acts as temporary pain reliever or after a bath when baby's relaxed or asleep so that there's little movement as possible. If you are using clippers to cut nails, use a clipper that has safety grips made especially for cutting baby nails. If you don't feel comfortable trimming with clippers filing down with a nail file also does the trick. You just need more patience and take your time.
6. Precious little foot prints. Here are some fun ways you can record your beautiful baby's feet: Take your baby's foot prints to record how cute they are at this stage. You can also trace at several stages to track his growth. Press his feet on wet clay to take an imprint of his feet. There are several kits on the market that make it fun and safe for both baby and you to record your beautiful baby's feet.
Baby feet are so soft, pudgy, cute and beautiful! Take care of them and love them! Because like your baby they will grow so fast.
Share your baby feet stories and don't forget to follow me on social media for 24/7 mommy updates! ¡Hasta la próxima!
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Images via Paula Garces