Did you breastfeed your baby? Did you formula feed? Whatever your decision, I'm sure it's not one that you made lightly. As a matter of fact, I'd hazard a guess that whatever you did, you did the very best you could for your baby.
So why don't all the other judgmental mommies out there relax instead of trying to tell moms who formula feed that they failing their children or moms who breastfeed that they can't go here or there, or are doing it for too long? It's like no matter what you do, you can't do it right! Well, these Latinas have a little bit to say about the subject.
Maria Hinojosa's fantastic public radio show Latino USA recently featured moms on both sides of the breastfeeding spectrum, one of whom is our very own Yuliana Gomez. Breastfeeding is such a sensitive topic, because even those of us who want to do it so badly just can't sometimes.
Obviously, we all know breast is best, but if your milk isn't coming in and it's driving you crazy, isn't it better to alleviate mami's anxiety (and by extension baby's) by figuring out a way that DOES work? In an ideal world, we would all be able to have milk flowing smoothly, babies that latch easily and nipples like stainless steel—but this is the real world.
Hear what some Latinas had to say about their experiences breastfeeding, and then share YOUR story below!
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