An Oklahoma couple wishing for kids got their prayers answered and then some. Sandy and Andy Justice went from childless to five kids–all in less than a year! Wow … talk about a crash course in parenting.
So how did this all happen? According to Today, the Justices wanted a family but had trouble conceiving, so they turned to adoption. It wasn't until after they had adopted triplets (!!) that the couple got the shock of a lifetime: Sarah was pregnant! Well, that's a bizarre twist of fate if I've ever heard one. And that wasn't even the biggest news…
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As if that wasn't a big enough surprise, doctors then informed them that they were expecting twins. Oh my god! Picture just adopting triplets and then suddenly realizing you're pregnant with twins! I can't even begin to imagine what that must have been like.
"I was shocked and a bit overwhelmed because I … added it up and I'm like, wow, if they go to term we're about five babies in eight months," Sarah told the Today show. "But we were really excited because it was something we've been dreaming of and longing for years."
Now, the couple says they're still just trying to learn how to balance taking care of five young kids, who are now 8 weeks old (the twins) and nine months (the triplets). According to them, they go through about 84 bottles and 300 diapers per week!
Well, clearly the Justices have their hands full and I'm sure taking care of five babies at a time isn't exactly a walk in the park. But how amazing is it that they ended up with so many kids after all they've been through? A year ago, they were afraid they'd never have children. Now, they've been blessed with an entire brood! Congrats to the new parents. I wish them nothing but happiness, love … and a whole lot of patience!
Image via TodayShow