A Florida dad was forced to deliver his own baby this past weekend–not because they didn't make it the hospital, but because a maternity ward mix-up left them without a doctor or nurse! Say what?! How could that have possibly happened?
It all started on Saturday after Zaheera Ali and his wife, Indira, arrived at the hospital after experiencing contractions. After a brief waiting period, they were moved to the delivery room, where a doctor felt labor was stalling and decided to speed things up by giving her an induction drug. That's when things started spinning out of control.
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Right as Ali's labor started moving along quickly, another patient down the hall suddenly experienced a complication during her birth and needed an emergency C-section. The doctor stopped the induction drip to stall Ali's birth before leaving to perform the procedure on the other patient, but the baby couldn't wait!
It's unclear whether there was a nurse in the room or not (the hospital claims there was). But according to Ali, she and her husband ended up delivering their daughter in the hospital, alone after midnight. By the time the doctor re-entered the room, little Aaliyah was already in the bed! Ali never even got the epidural she had asked for. Can you imagine?! If I was those parents, I'd be furious.
Thankfully, both mom and baby are doing well, despite the chaotic ordeal. Meanwhile, the hospital has since apologized and reportedly offered the family "special accommodations."
Special accommodations? Are you kidding me? The doctor basically abandoned this couple mid-birth and all they can do is offer a room upgrade? That's just absurd. I get that other patients have emergencies and that they need to be taken care of, but leaving a woman while she's in labor is just unacceptable. What if something had gone seriously wrong? They should've at least gotten another attending physician in there or something.
I'm just glad that both parents and baby are safe. One thing's for sure though: If I lived in that area, I'd think twice before visiting THAT hospital!
[ABC Entertainment News](http://abcnews.go.com/entertainment?cid=11_extvid1)|[ABC Business News](http://abcnews.go.com/business?cid=11_extvid2)
Image via ABC News