OMG! What kind of a world am I raising my kids in?! Seriously. Not to get all alarmist on you, but son of gun everywhere I turn there is something objectionable being thrown my way as a parent. Even stuff that is intended to be for the good of children like say a PSA. I mean I'm all for a good old fashioned public service announcement and even have a favorite one from my own youth. You can probably guess what my all-time favorite PSA is because it's most likely your favorite too because that's how good it is. You know which one I'm talking about?
Read more in ¿Qué más?: All Latina teens should watch this teen rape PSA (VIDEO)
I'm talkin' about This is Your Brain on Drugs from 1987. It's great. Simple and to the point. Super memorable and a great use of eggs as a metaphor. Check it out in case you don't remember.
That PSA is so iconic, that it inspired others like this one from 1997, which is specifically about heroin. And yes that is Rachel Leigh Cook.
Maybe a little more in your face and heavy handed, but I get it.
I can handle those kinds of PSAs, I can handle my kids watching those kinds of PSAs, I welcome more PSAs like them. What I can't handle is horror, shock and gore in the guise of a PSA even if it is meant to help kids.
Before you go thinking that I'm some kind of weirdo that is obsessed with PSAs, I'm not. The only reason I'm even thinking of them is because I watched an Australian PSA that is meant to literally scare kids into staying in school. Now, I am not from Australia and neither are my kids, so why the heck do I even care? Because we live in a global world where things go viral.You can check out the very disturbing ad here for yourself, but be warned that it is bloody and violent.
This PSA is just nuts. It makes no sense to me. Then I find out that it's probably fake. Meaning it's not really a PSA, but the work of an Australian directorial team, Henry and Aaron. It's probably meant as a joke, meant to shock.
How scary is it that I thought it could be real? That I live in a world where it woudn't shock me if someone actually made a PSA like this to try and scare kids into staying in school.
Sigh … I miss the days of frying pans and eggs.
Image via Thinkstock