5 Pregnancy myths you need to know about

We are so bombarded with information nowadays, that you think we would all be experts on something like our own fertility, but the truth is that most of us are not. There are many myths about getting pregnant out there that persist and it is really important that we know the truth. You may be surprised to find out that some of the facts you think you know about getting pregnant are just NOT true.

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Here are 5 myths about getting pregnant that are not true:

  • Your wonky period won't affect your chances of getting pregnant. Unfortunately, it will. Think about it, if you have less than 12 periods a year, then you will have less than 12 chances a year to get pregnant. Also, if your cycle is irregular it makes it harder to tell estimate when you are ovulating.
  • Having sex more than once in 24 hours helps increase your odds of getting pregnant. Not true, although it will increase your chances of having more than one orgasm. Hee hee. Only one sperm is needed to fertilize your egg and your guy ejaculating once releases millions of sperm. Having sex more doesn't increase your fertility odds, but it does reduce the volume of sperm in your guy's next ejaculation.
  • Getting older does not affect your fertility, that's why there are so many older moms. Not true. Somewhere around 36-37, your ability to conceive declines. Age affects your egg quantity and quality. That doesn't mean you can't and won't get pregnant, but it is a good thing to know. Don't take it for granted that once you get older it will be easy to get preggers, it might be, but you may also face some age-related challenges.
  • There are sexual positions that will help get you pregnant. Not true. Your chances of getting pregnant are pretty much the same whether you do it doggy style or go at it missionary.
  • If you have problems with fertility, your gynecologist will tell you. If you specifically ask your doctor about your fertility, then you will get an answer, otherwise do not assume that they will bring up potential issues.

I've been pregnant twice and I have to say that I was wrong about one of these myths. I'm not gonna tell you which one, but let's just say I may have unneccessarily abused my husband in a 24 hour period. I don't think he minded, though.

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