Adamari Lopez and Toni Costa have been in a relationship for over two years now. Although, the couple is not married they appeared to be very committed to each other and would even like to become parents.
As solid as their relationship appears to be, their road to parenthood has thus far been quite bumpy. In August of last year Adamari Lopez, the lovely host of Un Nuevo Día on Telemundo, had a miscarriage and I wish I could say that was the only pregnancy loss the couple has suffered. Still, it appears that the loving couple are determined to keep trying to become parents regardless of the difficulties they have encountered.
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TV y Novelas reports that someone close to the couple revealed that in addition to the miscarriage the couple suffered in August there have been two more. Three miscarriages is such a short period of time must be devastating. Three miscarriages no matter what the span of time cannot be easy to deal with.
Hopefully, the couple will be able to share some good news with us soon.
On January 15, Toni posted a picture of crossed fingers on his Instagram account, "Cruzando los dedos….Please!" The caption also included a praying symbol. Could this possibly be a wish for a baby?
I wish the couple much luck and continued strength on this journey. I will definitely be keeping my fingers crossed for them.
Image via AdamariLopez/Instagram