If you live in one the many states that have been pretty much frozen for the past few weeks, then school closings are nothing new to you. According to friends of mine in the Northeast, it seems as if school gets cancelled every other day. One elementary school principal was so tired of having to tell parents that they were having yet another snow day that he decided to do something completely different.
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James Detwiler got together with his school's drama teacher, Chad Caddell, and they came up with an amazing and extremely creative way to let parents of children at Stephens Elementary School in Kentucky that school was going to be cancelled.
As you'll hear in the video which they uploaded to YouTube last week, the imaginative pair recorded the announcement to the tune of Queen's very famous song "Bohemian Rhapsody." They obviously changed the lyrics to go with the message that school was closing because it was way too cold outside.
The outcome is surprisingly good and I'm sure it put a smile on more than one parent's face–especially since they've had so many snow days already. I know I would've cracked up if I were to get a similar message from my daughter's principal, but the one's I get are always automated.
This is one of those videos that is definitely worth sharing. Not only because it's so inventive, but because so many of us can relate!
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUtPG2J5RwQ
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