Parents of students in an elementary school in Utah are outraged after discovering their kids went without lunch because they had account deficits. While this is not the first time we write about students being denied lunch, this story in particular has left me livid because the kids at Uintah Elementary School were actually served lunch before it was taken away and thrown in the trash. How cruel is that?
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Not to mention humiliating, as this was done in front of all the other kids in the cafeteria! The students were given milk and fruit instead.
"I don't think any child should have to feel like that over a two-dollar lunch balance," said Erica Lukes, whose child was one of the kids affected, and I agree with her 100 percent. We're talking about little kids here who are being punished because of something their parents didn't do. Plus, the food was thrown in the trash so what difference would it have made to let them eat it? This makes absolutely no sense to me!
The school district claims parents were called on Monday and Tuesday and were advised of their kids' negative cafeteria balance. Students were also told on Tuesday that they'd be getting only fruit and milk on Wednesday if their accounts were not replenished. But that's not exactly how things happened. These kids were given their lunches and then they were taken away. That's why administrators have apologized and have promised this will never happen again.
I hope that's true because what this Utah school did to those poor students is truly outrageous!
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