There's no denying that the difference between a first and a second child can be abysmal. From how crazy careful we tend to be with our firstborns to the amount of photos we take documenting each and every one of their moves regardless of how insignificant they may be in other people's eyes, the fact is that our lack of experience makes everything seem new to us.
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In fact, one in five moms admits spending less on their second baby, while one in three says they have no problem buying generic diapers and wipes.
And while some might think this is because we love our second child less or we do not care about their welfare, the reality is that with experience comes the understanding that a baby needs very little to be happy. That's why I'm not surprised that the survey also found that nearly 80 percent of mothers admitted they bought a lot of unnecessary products for their first children.
I'm not surprised because I was one of them even though I tried to control myself! But it was impossible for me to know what my daughter was going to need as a newborn because, in all honesty, I had no idea what I was doing.
When my daughter was born I always took her diaper bag full of all sorts of things that I though my baby might need and it weighed a ton. Oh, how I hated it! With my son, someone gave me a contraption that folded into three and when you opened it you could use it to change the baby and it had a compartment on each side for a few diapers and wipes. My son did not use a pacifier and I breastfed him until he was a year old, so he did not need anything else.
So although they may be treated very differently, second born children are lucky to have moms that are a lot more experienced.
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