When Teresa Howard recently experienced severe stomach pain and had to be rushed the hospital, she was sure it was due to a bad case of wheat intolerance. So picture what the look on her face must have been like when she was told–you guessed it–she was actually about to have a baby!
Read more ¿Qué más?: Mom who had no idea she was pregnant or in labor makes us wonder what planet she's from
The drama all started last Saturday afternoon, when Howard begged her partner, Glen Toher, to take her to the hospital after she started experiencing stomach cramps. Apparently, Howard's sister has a wheat intolerance and she figured she was probably suffering from the same kind of problem. The receptionist at the hospital even asked her if she was pregnant before her examination and she said no. Boy, was she in for a surprise!
Eventually, the doctor came in and told the shocked couple that not only were they expecting a baby, but that Howard's contractions were already five minutes apart. Cut to two hours later and Howard was holding her third son, Ethan, in her arms. So crazy, no?!
So how exactly did Howard manage not to notice that she was pregnant? Though the mom apparently noticed she had gained some weight, she attributed it to too much holiday eating and lack of exercise. And while she had heard plenty of stories about women who didn't know they were about to give birth to a baby, she never thought she would be one of them … especially since she had experienced obvious pregnancy symptoms with her two older kids.
Amazingly enough, little Ethan was born healthy and both mom and baby are now doing just fine.
Well, I guess it's a good thing Howard and her boyfriend went to the hospital when they did, even if they did think it was for a totally different reason. Although I wonder how they explained it to their two other children? I can only imagine how surprised they must have been to have mom go to the doctor with stomach pain and come out with their new little brother!
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