Woman gives birth in the STRANGEST place ever

Plenty of moms have given birth in all kinds of unexpected locations, from parking lots to planes and everywhere in between. But I'm pretty sure the place where U.K. mom Jessica Wynter welcomed her baby is the strangest I've heard yet!

Wynter was just outside of the hospital when her labor picked up speed and she realized she wasn't going to make it inside in time. That's when the most bizarre thing happened.

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Right as they were pulling into the parking lot of the hospital, Wynter's little guy just couldn't wait any longer and Wynter ended up giving birth in her pants … literally. When the mom pushed the baby out, she says he ended up landing right into the leg of the onesie pajamas she was wearing. Bizarre, right?! Wynter hadn't even had time to get out of her PJ's before he popped right out.

"I undid the zip of her onesie and there he was, tucked up safely in the garment's leg. If she hadn't had it on, I dread to think what might have happened. It was really scary stuff," Wynter's mother told Metro. Wynter agreed, proclaiming, "The onesie saved my baby's life."

I have to admit, I've never thought about how the attire you wear to the hospital could affect your pregnancy. But in this case, I guess it was a good thing she decided to wear what she did!

Oh and that's not the end to Wynter's story. The new mom says that after washing her PJ's, she's decided to keep them as a family keepsake. Aww! Well, it'll certainly make for a one-of-a-kind memento for her to show her son one day.

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