While "fit mom" Maria Kang or the Norwegian soccer player's wife with the flat post-pregnancy tummy have caused controversy, another woman is receiving praise. Taryn Brumfitt bravely proved that after having three children her body looks NOTHING like the women mentioned above. The 35-year-old mom posted before and after pregnancy pictures of herself on Facebook.
She has been applauded for promoting a realistic and healthy depiction of what a woman's body looks like after having a baby. In fact, she felt a need to sound-off to women everywhere to let them know that having the perfect body isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Read more ¿Qué más?: New mom posts flat-belly selfie FOUR days after giving birth & the world hates her
Brumfitt was super fit before having children and even competed in bikini competitions, but now things have changed. She wrote on her Facebook page: "Here is my non-traditional before and after photo … " alongside a picture of her former fit body and her current body which is 20 pounds heavier and has a less toned stomach.
The reason she posted these pictures of herself was to prove that we should love our bodies no matter what they look like. "Our bodies will go through many changes in our life. Our bodies change through ageing, pregnancy, illness, weight loss, weight gain, the list goes on. One thing we must learn to do is love our bodies, before, during and after," she wrote.
Brumfitt sounded off on her own own blog, Body Image Movement about her body acceptance struggles. She admitted after having her first child she considered getting plastic surgery, but she realized that it wasn't sending a good message to her daughter. She even explained that her strict diet and exercise lifestyle before mommyhood would make her a "selfish" if she kept it up now.
Instead she adopted a healthy balance between eating well and exercising and has been trying to get women to love their bodies too. "I'm on a quest to redefine and rewrite the ideals of beauty. Women have been brainwashed into thinking fat, wrinkles and cellulite are bad. They're not. It's just a part of being a human being," she explained on her blog.
I REALLY admire Brumfitt for not only posting her before and after pictures, but for the positive message she promotes. So many women get down on themselves because of the way they look after having a baby that is completely unhealthy. I'm proud of Brumfitt for putting the real truth out there and on being an empowering role model for women everywhere.
Image viaFacebook, BodyImageMovement.com