A 28-year-old woman from India miscarried 10 babies on Sunday. This is so sad. Madhya Pradesh was experiencing medical complications and was referred to Sanjay Gandhi Memorial hospital, which is over 75 miles from her village. According to Dr. S.K. Pathak, assistant superintendent of the hospital: "She delivered nine of them midway. Obstetric and NICU team at our hospital helped her to deliver the 10th one in the operation theatre–all were born dead at almost 12 weeks." Wow.
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She got to the hospital with her husband Sanjay who was carrying the nine babies she had delivered along the way wrapped in a piece of cloth. The last baby was delivered at around 12:31 a.m.
Can you imagine how terrifying this must have been for this couple? And then to have to hold those nine tiny dead babies and take them to the hospital. It is truly devastating.
Experts believe that the multiple pregnancy was due to over-stimulation during fertility treatments.
"It seems that that there was no regular follow-up of her pregnancy after IVF. At least three offspring could have been saved by reducing the pregnancy," Dr. Sumitra Yadav, a senior gynecologist at Maharaja Yeshwantrao Hospital, says,
I keep reading different reports that say Madhya Pradesh has broken all Indian medical records by giving birth to 10 babies and I find the wording so cruel. This isn't the kind of record that anyone would want to break. It makes it sound like something to be celebrated and seems so unbelievably callous considering that not one single one of those babies survived.
My heartfelt condolences to the couple. I am so sorry you've been through something so sad. I wish Madhya Pradesh a full physical recovery and some kind of peace.
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