This may just be one of the craziest stories I've ever heard. An elderly woman in Colombia just found out that she's been pregnant for 40 years! I know that sound impossible to believe, but after suffering from strong abdominal pain, a scan revealed the SHOCKING cause: a calcified fetus she's been carrying for over four decades … I told you it was crazy!
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At first, ER doctors thought the elderly woman had gallstones, but when the test for that came back negative, they continued investigagting. An abdominal X-ray located the fetus which formed and developed outside the uterus in an extremely rare condition called Lithopedion. Can you imagine?
Our human bodies are so amazing that when this happens, the fetus eventually calcifies so as to protect mom from dead tissue. And thank goodness because Lithopedion is a condition without symptoms, meaning that women never really find out that a fetus has formed outside their uterus. And that was definitely the case with this lady because, according to her family, she never complained of pain or discomfort.
Doctors thought she'd have to undergone surgery to remove the fetus, but have since decided it's way too risky considering her age.
Luckily, the abuelita suffers from dementia, which pretty much means she has no idea what's going on. And that's probably better because I'm sure she'd be pretty shocked to learn she's been walking around with a dead fetus inside her for such a long time.
Image via Thinkstock