GIGANTIC baby born & you’ll NEVER believe how much it weighed!

Another GINORMOUS bouncing baby has been delivered. This big bungle of joy was welcomed into the world by a 27-year-old mother in Shanghai China. Now, it seems that big babies are being born on a fairly regular basis nowadays and it's easy to be like oh that baby's not that big, but just to give you an idea of scale this newborn is almost twice the size of an average Chinese baby. It isn't known whether the baby was delivered vaginally (ouch!) or via C-section. The mother has a theory on why her baby was born so large. Oh wait, I almost forgot to tell you exactly how much the baby weighed at birth! Are you ready for this?

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This baby weighed 13 pounds 10 ounces! Now a lot of the time when babies are born this large it tends to be because of the mother's advanced age or issues with gestational diabetes, but that does not seem to be the case this time around. The unnamed mother believes the baby is large because of her diet. She told Chinese state TV, "I drink one glass of milk (and) eat an egg every day. That's a must since I became pregnant. I also ate a lot of fruit." Apparently, she also spent much of her pregnancy in bed.

Both the mother and child are said to be doing well. I wish the baby a long, happy, and healthy life. Babies that are born that large face larger rates of obesity and diabetes when they are older, let's cross our fingers that this baby beats those odds.

Image via Sky News