Florida mom Erika Herrera is pissed off and fighting mad after she says her 5-year-old daughter, Lena Guzzo-Aguilar, was kicked off a school bus for puking and abandoned on the side of the road with a stranger.
And this is exactly the reason I've always been a crazy skeptic when it comes to leaving my kids in the care of anyone else. Sure they might have the best of intentions and they might even be qualified but what it boils down to is that no one is going to care for any child more than the people who made, grew and gave birth to that child. It's instinct. This is why I never left my kids in daycare, dropped them off at a bus stop, always drive on fieldtrips, host parties and volunteer at everything. I just don't trust other people to care for my kids.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Why I hate raising kids in this iWorld
Herrera says her daughter had just gotten on the bus when she began to feel queasy and threw up. According to the little girl, she threw up and the driver told her to get off the bus and then proceeded to leave her with a complete stranger. Luckily, the stranger was a nice woman who walked her home but it could have been Jeffrey Dahmer or a pedophile or a murderer.
The point is that the damn bus driver just abandoned a sick kid on the side of the road. She could have been abducted or injured. He didn't know why she threw up and he obviously didn't care what happened to her. I don't care if she said to let her off the bus or he kicked her off–he was the adult. It was his responsibility to see to it that she was safely returned to her parents. He failed this child and her parents. How could they ever feel safe putting their child on the bus again?
Orange County Public School policy is that bus drivers are required to call dispatch when a child becomes ill and should still drive the child to school so that a parent or guardian can pick up the child. The bus driver says that the little girl asked to be let off the bus and so he let her off. No one is confirming whether or not dispatch was ever contacted.
The bus driver has since been taken off driving duty and reassigned as a bus monitor. Herrera say she will be driving both her daughters to school from now on and I don't blame her one bit. Call me a helicopter mom, overprotective or whatever, I just can't trust anyone else to take care of my child the way I would. We live in a world where day care workers are raping infants and grown men are abducting little girls to make them their sex slaves, why on earth would I trust anyone with my child?
Image via Channel 6 Orlando