This is how post-baby bodies REALLY look & we LOVE them

There's no denying it, your body will NEVER be the same after giving birth. Some moms are okay with that, but most of the ones I know–including myself–have struggled with that notion. It's probably because we're constantly bombarded with images of women who "just gave birth" and look better than they did prior to getting pregnant. I'm thinking Shakira and Hilaria Baldwin here. Thing is, they don't represent typical post-baby bodies, but the women in the 4th Trimester Bodies Project do and they're just as beautiful!

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Pinup and boudoir photographer Ashlee Wells Jackson is the mastermind behind this inspiring project, which aims to embrace what motherhood does to our bodies through revealing, but tasteful pictures.

Jackson's project will culminate in a photo book, a community website and a gallery show where the mother-of-three plans to showcase the photographs she and other contributing photographers will take of mothers of all ages and backgrounds. 

According to Jackson, "It doesn't matter how you've come to motherhood or how old your children are. If you've the bravery, we'd love to photograph you." I think this is such a wonderful idea that I'm even considering participating in this project. I believe there's something truly empowering about showing what real post-baby bodies look like. If there's a possibility that this may help a mom who's going around hating what motherhood has done to her body, then participating in a project like that is well worth it. Plus, I think I'd be setting a great example for my daughter.

If you feel the same way, check out Jackson's 4th Trimester Bodies Project website for more information, including dates and cities of her next photo shoots. 

Image via Facebook