WATCH cool pregnancy video shows pregnancy day-by-day for all 9 months!

Becoming a new parent is a blessing and an exciting time in a couple's life which is why I loved Danny Pier's video documenting his wife's pregnancy. Pier decided to film one second everyday of his wife's pregnancy and not only is his idea smart, but it's totally sweet! Although this isn't the first time a hubby has documented his wife's pregnancy, it's definitely one of the cutest videos I've ever seen.

So what exactly does Pier record daily for a total of nine months? You'll have to read on to find out!

Read more ¿Qué más?____: 5 Amazing pregnancy time-lapse videos you just have to see! (VIDEOS)

Recording a moment out of every day of a pregnancy the way Pier did takes your mind off of the worries you may have about parenting. It also makes for a sweet reminder of what you went through and what you did during that entire time as you awaited the baby.

If only pregnancy were as easy as this video shows! The whole 40 weeks in the sweetest five minutes you'll see. It's amazing to see how our body transforms during that time–especially to see it all unfold in a matter of minutes. Just a reminder how incredible our bodies are.

Now that Pier and his wife are parents to a baby girl, I'm sure that they can't wait to show her this video when she's old enough. Check out the adorable video below. Hey, it might bring back memories of your own pregnancy!

*Image via Vimeo

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