Normally when a woman is pregnant, it's understood that she's going to be with child for approximately nine months. Now a study has learned that there are some women who can remain pregnant for 10 months.
Yes, a whole month OVER what is biologically expected of us ladies.
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It turns out due dates are not as accurate as doctors have claimed and now medical professionals suggest calling them "delivered by " dates instead. A study conducted by the U.S. National of Environmental Health Sciences examined 125 women who had been pregnant in the past. The research found that only four percent of them gave birth by their due dates and 30 percent did NOT give birth within 10 days of their expected delivery date.
The confusion stems from the difficulty in guesstimating the date of conception. For this study, precise ovulation & implantation dates were tested using urine samples and it was determined that the gestation period varied by up to 37 days! The variation depended on the mother's age, her birth weight, and how quickly the baby was conceived.
Sheesh, this may not be good news for some moms-to-be who haven't had pleasant pregnancies. I mean, that's a whole month difference! I don't see how any woman would want to remain pregnant for that long, but at least we have the facts now and can prepare ourselves for more than nine months of being pregnant if it's necessary.
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