We've all heard countless stories of moms being reprimanded for breastfeeding in public, but one awesome Texas woman recently set a great example by refusing to take one such incident lying down.
Lucy Eades was reportedly nursing her 16-day-old daughter at a recreation center in Burleson, Texas when an employee asked her to cover up or move to a private room. When she didn't, she was approached by the same woman a second time with the same request. Instead of giving in though, Eades put the staffer in her place with the PERFECT response—and the entire exchange was caught on camera!
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As can be seen in the clip below, a female employee approaches Eades and asks her to cover up. But Eades refuses to back down, instead plainly stating, "It is state law, I can nurse my child with or without a cover." Good for her!
Her husband eventually also stepped in and the employee retreated.
I personally find it unbelievable that something as natural as breastfeeding is somehow still an issue for women. I mean, boobs are fine if they're plastered all over billboards but not when they're actually serving their purpose? It's absurd and only made even moreso by the fact that this took place at a recreational center—a place that is presumably filled with families every day! That's why I absolutely love that Eades stood up for her rights and that she did so in the best way possible.
Not only did she never lose her temper, she remained polite but firm and most importantly, right. Facts are facts and Texas is one of 45 states with laws that specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location. That means that Eades was fully within her rights to nurse her child at the center.
Unfortunately, the city didn't see it that way, issuing a statement that maintained they didn't infringe on anyone's freedom by asking Eades to cover up and claimed they fully support breastfeeding. Luckily, Eades has come up with an appropriate response to that as well: she's staging a nurse-in at the center this weekend.
Watch the entire incident go down here:
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg_bfK75jQ0#at=68
Image via Thinkstock