We've all seen plenty of videos that capture the variety of amazing ways in which creative couples have made their big pregnancy announcements in the past. But I think this one, in which a mom and dad-to-be break their baby news to a soon-to-be grandma, might just be my all-time ever.
As can be seen in the clip below, the couple managed to think up an incredibly unique way of revealing the news—and the results are probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Watch 40 weeks of pregnancy in just 2 minutes & be amazed! (VIDEO)
The video, which was initially recorded in June but has just recently gone viral, starts off with a dad setting up a camera in a kitchen, before informing his mom (the almost abuela) that they have hidden a early birthday present somewhere in the room. After opening several cabinets and scouring the counters in search for the gift, she eventually comes to the oven.
"What is that?!" she asks, after opening it and spotting something inside. When she pulls the item out to get a closer look, she remains confused…that is, until it suddenly hits her about 30 seconds later.
"A bun in the…" she says, before erupting into a huge scream (followed by an excited coughing fit). Haha! How cute is that?! I gotta give this couple points for creativity—not only for carrying out the whole "bun in the oven" concept perfectly, but for also eliciting one of the BEST and most heartwarming reaction ever captured on camera!
Watch the entire announcement—and the hilarious ensuing reaction–go down here:
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MPQ9GblRJc
Image via YouTube