Children are a blessing when they're babies and are for the most part obedient. Unfortunately they grow up and develop personalities–some of which may clash with yours.
Most parents want to give their kids everything, but what happens when they start asking for everything at the toy store? They may throw a tantrum and call you a terrible mom, but this is where your disciplinary skills come in. If you give in every time your child throws a fit about getting his or her way, then you may be having a hard time saying "NO."
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The word "No" is so powerful that even as adults we feel guilty using it on our amigas or family members. We want to please everyone, which is a bad habit that needs to be broken–especially if you're unable to say it to your kids.
If you're having a hard time being an assertive parent, know that you are doing this for their own good and for your peace of mind. Check out below why it's good to say "no" to your kids–once in awhile…
You're keeping them safe: When you deny your child something they want it's because you've used your best judgment on whether or not it benefits them. For example, if they want to eat junk food before dinner and you say no, you're looking out for their health and because you want them to eat the meal you cooked.
It shows you love your kids: Many parents think that using the word "no" is associated with not loving their kids enough. In fact, it's the opposite since it proves that you care about them by denying them what they want if it can harm them.
Teaches them to co-exist with others: Saying "no" will benefit your child when they get older and have to interact with other children and authority figures. If you teach them that they can't always get their way, when they're in more public settings they will know how they are meant to behave. Think of it this way, it will spare you having to go to their school for problems they've been causing.
Teaches respect: Studies show that kids' who get their way all the time are less in touch with reality. This is because they are being constantly praised by their parents. Lack of discipline is what is causing behavioral problems in schools and too many teachers are being disrespected. Therefore saying "No" teaches your child about respecting adults and authorities.
It establishes the type of parent you are: Overusing your "No's" can be ineffective, so you want to use them sparingly. But by laying down the ground rules, you're identifying your parenting style and demanding obedience. This pattern will also be carried out throughout their childhood. So think twice next time before you let your kid run rampant when he shouldn't.
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