Lots of little kids are picky when it comes to food, but that's not why the little Brazilian boy in this video, Luiz Antonio, doesn't want to eat his octopus. His reasoning? "Octopus are animals … and you gotta take care of them and not eat them!"
Aw, how sweet is that?!
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As can be seen in the clip, Antonio is about to dig into his plate of gnocchi, rice and octopus when a question suddenly strikes him–"This octopus isn't real, right?" His mom explains that it's been chopped and cooked at a fish market. What follows is the life-changing moment when the little boy realizes where all meat comes from. Though every kid has had this moment at some point (and many simply continue on with their ways), Antonio has a very different reaction.
"Chicken are animals … fish are animals … octopus are animals … why do they die?" he says, "I don't like that they die."
By the end of the video, Antonio has made up his mind: No one should eat animals. As his mom assures him he can stick to his potato gnocchi and rice, you can hear tearing up and her voice getting shaky…and I don't blame her! I felt my own eyes swelling up, seeing the little boy's genuine concern for these animals. I'm not even a vegetarian, but I can't help but be moved to see a young kid exhibit such pure compassion. He clearly has an incredibly kind heart and I only hope he keeps that giving attitude for the rest of his life!
Watch Antonio make this life-changing realization here:
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27QGjR8IU48
Image via YouTube