Looks like it was babies galore this Memorial Day weekend after TWO sets of quintuplets were born in different parts of the country. Yes, you read that right! The first set were born to Utah couple Guillermina and Fernando Garcia who had three girls and two boys; and the second belong to Cesar and Crystal Tamez of Corpus Christi, Texas.
Whoa, talk about one HUGE birthday celebration!
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According to ABC News, Guillermina gave birth to the first set of quintuplets at the University of Utah Hospital with eight doctors assisting the delivery and dozens of nurses standing by to ensure that the mother and babies were okay.
Reportedly, the babies were healthy and born three weeks later than most quintuplets on average. They all weighed in between two to three pounds each. The Garcias named their babies Esmeralda, Fatima, Marissa, Fernando, and Jordan and told reporters at a news conference that they felt like they were dreaming and excited to see the babies come out healthy.
The quintuplets came to be after Guillermina had undergone taking fertility drugs and found out that she was pregnant with them from the very beginning. Even though she had been on bed rest at the hospital since April, the delivery came with ease as each infant was born within two minutes of each other. This will be the sixth child for the Mexican couple who already have a one-year-old daughter named Julietta.
Meanwhile in Texas, Crystal Tamez gave birth to Caleb, Aden, Bianca, Madeline and Chloe at Bay Area Medical Center. This was also the first set of quintuplets for the hospital. They arrived prematurely (they were due in August) and are currently under doctor's supervision until the date they were originally supposed to be born. Dr. Ryan Loftin, who delivered the babies told the local TV station that it was a fun experience because it was like pulling handkerchiefs out of a hat. For the first-time parents, handling all these babies will be a challenge: "Just preparing for one baby is hard enough, let alone five," dad Cesar told the TV station.
How crazy is it that two separate Latino couples had a set of quintuplets at the same time?! Now, call me naïve, but I would probably lose track of which baby is which unless they wore different outfits to distinguish them. If that seems like a challenge now, wait till they're older and can play pranks on their parents! We wish the Tamez and Garcia families the best of luck with their new bundles of joy and experiencing the beauty and challenges of parenthood.
Image via Kiitv/ Fox 13 news*