I'll tell you what, when a baby is ready to be born, it is READY to be born. Doesn't matter what your birth plan is or if you are ready, once that baby is ready it is coming. Just ask South Florida mom Amy Beth Cavaretta who almost made it inside Boca Raton Hospital when she was in active labor with her second child, but not quite. Instead she gave birth in a wheelchair outside the hospital.
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Amy and her husband, Joe, made it to the hospital and were being followed by birth photographer Emily Robinson. Amy's delivery with her first daughter went pretty quickly, but nowhere near as quickly as the birth of her second daughter. Amy was met outside of the hospital by midwife Laurie Ross-Berke. Amy walked up to a pillar, leaned on it and announced that the baby was coming out. While the midwife held the baby's head in her hands, Joe ran for a wheelchair. Baby Sienna Grace was born right there in front of the hospital. She is a gorgeous little girl.
Emily Robinson was able to capture amazing photographs of the experience, which she shares on her blog and TOMO News shared this wonderful animated reenactment of the birth with interwoven photographs.
*Image via Facebook/Emily Robinson*
The baby is coming!

Mom annouces that baby is coming.
Baby being born in wheelchair

This hospital wheelchair is where the baby is born.
Meet Sienna!

Look at that! They make it look so easy.
Happy dad

Overjoyed dad can't belive his eyes.
Healthy baby girl

The baby is happy, healthy, and beautiful.