Dear Mom,
Having recently moved out the house and into my first real, grown-up apartment post-college, I've been spending a lot of time lately thinking about just how much you and Dad have done for me my whole life. And with Mother's Day right around the corner, I thought there was no better time to tell you just how grateful I am to have YOU as my mom. Though no words will ever be able to adequately express my gratitude, I just wanted to start off by saying this: Thanks.
Read more ¿Qué más? Gracias Mamá: 5 unforgettable life lessons I learned from my mom
Thank you for your (mostly) undying patience. I am fully aware that I have not always been the easiest daughter, given my tendency to be short-tempered, impatient, and stubborn as hell (you can blame Dad for that last one). But even when I was at my most obnoxious (and I realize there's been plenty of those times), you never stopped loving me, supporting me, and giving me advice when I most needed it–like during those brutal teenage years. Which reminds me…
Thank you for always having exactly what I need to complete any outfit in your magical closet, whether it be a red necklace or a pair of black shoes. I still don't understand how you did (and still do) that, but all my friends always said you were the coolest, most fashionable mom they've ever seen. And I agree!
Also, thank you for your wise words. Though I didn't always know it at the time, you have given some truly valuable advice over the years and taught me lessons that I will carry for the rest of my life and eventually pass on to my own family.
Thank you for keeping the house, me, and the rest of our family up and running. Without you, none of us would be as happy, warm, clean, and well-fed as we are today and have been for our entire lives. Though I sadly didn't inherit your amazing culinary skills (or your talent for making any place on Planet Earth feel more homey and cozy), I was lucky enough to benefit from them for many years and am so happy that I get to do so again in the future.
Lastly but maybe most importantly, thank you for always making your daughters your top priority. You have sacrificed so much over the years to help Amy and I do everything we ever wanted–go to the colleges of our dreams, study abroad, start our careers. We are who we are because of you. So again, from the very bottom of my heart, thanks.
Love always,
Images via Michelle Regalado