Kids are snorting condoms! They are taking condoms unwrapping them, unrolling them, sticking them up a nostril, snorting them, and then pulling them out of their mouths. This "condom challenge" is a disgusting YouTube trend. I don't get it. I don't want to get it and I hope it stops.
Snorting condoms? Why would anyone do something so absurd?! Who was the genius that first came up with this idea and who are these legions of youth thinking, yeah that looks like something I might want to do?
Read more ¿Qué más?: Kids in Durex commercial give condoms a whole new purpose!
How bored are our youth that sticking a prophylactic up their nose sounds like a fun idea? How is it that we can't seem to get youth to use condoms the way they are intended to be used and thereby prevent any more teen pregnancies, but they are more than willing to videotape themselves acting like potential Jackass cast members because of a condom challenge?
Do they use lubricated condoms or non lubricated condoms? Please, pretty please, tell me that those snorted condoms end up in the trash and not reused.
I guess that it's better than them snorting some kind of substance that will get them high, but this seems like a new low. I'm just waiting to hear about the first death caused by condom snorting asphyxiation, because, obviously–this is super dangerous!
This video totally grossed me out. You have been warned.
Image via YouTube