First Lady Michelle Obama mistakenly says she’s a “single mom” & anyone with a super busy husband can relate

So it looks like First Lady Michelle Obamafeels like a "single mom" even though she's married to one of the most powerful men in the world. Or, at least, that's what she told a reporter for a Vermont CBS affiliate station during an interview Thursday about the difficulties of serving healthy meals to your family when juggling work, kids, etc.

"Believe me, as a busy single mother…" the First Lady said before quickly correcting herself. "Or, I shouldn't say single, as a busy mother. Sometimes, you know, when you've got a husband who is president, it can feel a little single. But he's there." 

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The FLOTUS went on to say that she knows what it's like not to have the time or the energy to worry about eating healthy, but I don't think anybody cared much about what she had to say after her slip up. 

But was calling herself a "single mom" an honest mistake or does she really feel like that? Because if she does, I'm sure lots of moms out there can relate. I know for a fact that being married to someone who's super busy can sometimes make you feel like you're a single mom.

My husband works full-time and goes to school full-time, and on the days he has class or is working on a project, we barely get to see him. So, yes, sometimes I have felt like I'm doing it all on my own and it sucks, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, so I'll survive. I have friends whose husbands travel a lot for work or are in the military stationed on the other side of the world and they feel the same way.

Then again, none of us have the privileges that come with being the First Lady of the United States, so it's really not the same thing at all. I mean, I'm sure Michelle Obama is an outstanding parent, but the reality is that she doesn't have to worry about all the real details most moms have to deal with on a daily basis.

So yeah, she might feel like a "single mom" because her husband is busier than most people we know, but the First Lady has all the help she can get–and lots of money–at her disposal to make the parenting journey a bit smoother!

Image via U.S. Embassy New Delhi/flickr