A father who was caught on camera brutally beating his teenage daughters with a cable wire has been recently charged with child endangerment and corporal punishment. The 35-year-old man from Dayton, Ohio started to beat the two girls after discovering that they had posted a "twerk" video on Facebook. "Twerking" is a type of provocative dance that involves shaking the hips and lower body. Now I think any parent would flip after discovering that their teenage girl posted a video of themselves "twerking" on Facebook. Even so, violently beating your girls with a cable wire is not an appropriate form of discipline–it's child abuse!
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After watching the video, I cringed and practically felt my insides turn. Not only did this man whip these girls each 4 or 5 times with a cable wire, but he did it in such an uncontrollable way it was shocking. The piercing sounds of the girls' screams indicate how incredibly painful the whips must have been. Police even told ABC News that one of the teens was left with welts and open wounds to her thighs. Wow.
Help me understand how this kind of abuse is going to amount to anything positive? Not only is this not a proper form of discipline, but think about how this is mentally and emotionally going to affect these teens afterwards. Yes, I agree that the chances of these two girls posting a "twerk" video again are slim, but at the same time not only are they going to develop an unhealthy fear towards their father, but they will more likely become the victims of violence when they're older. They say that most women who stay in abusive relationships do so because they learned to live with violence growing up.
This act was cruel and inappropriate, and no child deserves to be beaten like that no matter what they did! I'm glad the dad in this video was caught and charged!
Warning: The footage in this video is extremely graphic and disturbing.
Image via YouTube