An 11-year-old boy was playing with his caged dog last Friday in his home in Florida when the animal grabbed his hand and wouldn't let go. The boy's older brother whacked the dog with a stick, but by then the Malamute-wolf mix had already bitten off the child's pinky finger and swalled it whole. I can only imagine how terrifying the whole ordeal must have been for Fernando Brignoni, but the shocking thing his father did next must have been even more devastating.
"I got my gun and I popped him," Luis Brignoni said to The Miami Herald referring to Sassy, their beloved family dog. But that's not all…
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Brignoni, who said he's been a hunter for many years, then cut open Sassy's stomach so he could recover his son's pinky. He then sent the finger together with his son as he was airlifted to an area hospital. Can you imagine how gory that scene must have been?
Sadly, it looks like the dog was killed for nothing because doctors were unable to reattach the finger and while Fernando is doing well, he'll have to live with just four fingers on his left hand. And, I'm sure he'll never ever forget this dramatic incident.
I hate judging the dad for what he did for his son, but it's undeniable that he went to extremes. I mean, I have no idea how I would've reacted if our family dog had done something like that to one of my kids, but I know for a fact that I wouldn't have been able to kill him and then cut him open.
The Brignoni family got Sassy as a puppy, so I'm sure it was just like another member of the family. Brignoni has defended his actions by saying there's nothing he wouldn't do to protect his children. And while I feel the same way, I'm finding it really hard to understand the need to kill the poor animal.
Image via WTSP.com