Truth be Told: We don’t want a “Future Bride” onesie

Behold the "Future Bride" onesie. Because nothing says you can be anything you want in the world like a onesie that tells you that the only thing you should aspire to be is some man's wife. It's a plain white onesie blinged out with teenie-tiny crystals, stripper style, to be worn by your newborn. No self-respecting, daughter-loving mother would ever let her daughter wear this! 

Here comes the child bride, all dressed in white; wearing a diaper and spitting up all over herself…isn't that so CUTE?! When she's not learning how to pretty herself up and catch a man, she can always pass the time by choking. This onesie is dangerous on SO many levels.

Have we learned nothing from the J.C. Penney T-shirt debacle? Have we already forgotten how stupid the newborn high heels were? Or what about lingerie for little girls? Sketchers just came out with 2-inch concealed sneaker heel called Daddy$ Money, which is basically pushing our little girls in the direction of the sex worker profession. Must we repeat these bad choices? Who the hell is in charge of marketing at these places?

Moms: Don't, I repeat DO NOT, put your little girls in a box! If someone gives you this onesie, you have a few choices; politely refuse the gift. Or take the onesie and set that sucker on fire in protest right there in front of the asshole who gave it to you, they should have known better.

Look, don't get me wrong. I am some man's wife but that is not all that I am. We are partners and we are raising our daughters to be strong-minded, strong-willed, intelligent, independent and fiercely passionate women. I am not raising them to be a wife. Marriage is a choice they will make on their own when the time comes. They don't need me to brainwash them into thinking that wife is the limit of their potential at the age of 3 months.

Hey, as bad as it is, at least the onesie doesn't say Future Teen Mom, right? But I'm sure MTV's already got that in the works.

Image via Zulily