A New Zealand mother has come under some much-deserved fire after leaving her sleeping baby in a car with a note telling onlookers to call her if there were any issues. Seriously, what kind of parent does that?!
And to make matters worse, several passersby saw the note and didn't call the police, instead choosing to wait until the mother came back. WHAT?! It's bad enough that the mom was so irresponsible as to make this incredibly stupid move in the first place, but then to know that more people just stood by and let it happen? That's just infuriating.
Apparently, the baby was left alone in the parking lot of a supermarket while the mother went shopping. The note was left on top of the child's blanket and read: "My mum's in doing the shopping, call her if I need anything," followed by the woman's cell number.
A man spotted it after he and his family parked in the adjacent space and were left shocked. But instead of calling the police, they waited by the car with several more concerned individuals, eventually calling the mother's number to tell her to come outside.
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"As parents ourselves we know it is hard to get a baby to sleep, and once you start moving them they can wake up … we thought it was just a silly decision by a tired mother," the man explained of their decision.
Okay, am I the only one who thinks that's the worst logic EVER? Every mother is tired! That doesn't justify them leaving their babies in a car by themselves. What if something had happened and no one had walked by? It was terrible parenting on that woman's part to make such a reckless and careless move.
And though I'm glad that the baby wasn't hurt in any way, but I really wish those people had called the police. I know that's what I would have done if I was in their shoes! I mean, hopefully, this was just a one-time mistake but what if it's not? This could be just one of many poor parenting decisions and their failing to report her to the authorities could have put that baby back in danger.
Image via New Zealand Herald