Today is Valentine's Day! But while getting flowers and chocolate from your significant other isn't half-bad, all moms know that sometimes the sweetest presents you recieve aren't necessarily from your husband or boyfriend, but from your kids!
To this day, my own mother has entire boxes full of old holiday cards that my sister and I made for her. They are all bent and covered with weird drawings and misspelled messages in chicken-scratch handwriting but she insists that she loved them more than any ol' bunch of roses.
So in the spirit of the holiday, we decided to round up a few of the funniest Valentines ever written by kids. Check them below and happy Valentine's Day!
Seeing Red

This child's love is so intense, it has them seeing red!
Lucky to be alive

Mom and dad ARE lucky to be alive…especially because they have such a hilariously adorable kid!
Butts vs. hearts

Hey, at least this kid is brutally honest!
Thanks, Mom

Well … at least we know this child is being properly fed!
More than a cow

She must love cows A LOT.
The worried Valentine

We hope nothing happens to them either!
The scary valentine

"Be My Valentine," "Got Love" and…"Die the most painful death?" Err … looks like this kid is taking the whole "till death do us part" thing too literally.