Facebook campaign for baby brother is just plain wrong (PHOTOS)

Facebook has been a staple in many people's lives for a few years now, but recently it seems like some are turning to the social media site for everything. The latest example? Last week, a British woman posted a picture of her toddler holding a sign that read "Daddy says if I get 100,000 likes, I can have a little brother or sister."

Uh, really?! I think that's taking the whole get-this-many-likes photo trend a little too far.

Apparently, Vicki and her husband have actually already decided to have a second child, but wanted to see if they could get their picture to go viral. "We have seen all those photos going around Facebook with hundreds of thousands of likes and just wondered if that could actually happen," she told the Huffington Post.

Read more ¿Qué Más?: Sisters' adorable Facebook campaign for a puppy goes viral

The photo didn't spread as quickly as they had in other instances, probably because people found it to be kinda strange. I know I did! I mean, using the site as a way to convince your parents to get a pet is one thing, but the decision to have a baby is really personal and should be a serious discussion between a couple. Why would you ever take it such a public forum?

And I'm not the only one to find it weird. Facebook group Mums, Bumps && More spotted Vicki's photo and posted their own picture in what is seriously the best response EVER.

Check it out below, along with 4 other cases in which people have asked their Facebook friends for help:

"Likes" for a sibling


Vicki posted this photo of her toddler to her Facebook, asking for 100,000 likes so that her and her husband can have another child.

Mums, Bumps && More responds


After spotting Vicki's photo, the Facebook group Mums, Bumps && More responded with this snapshot of their own, which kids holding a sign that reads: "Our mommy says if we get a million likes, we won't get crap. If we want something, we have to work for it, not beg for it on Facebook." Um … greatest response EVER!

Puppy plea


Two Canadian sisters were so desperate for a dog that they recruited all of Facebook to help them sway their mom and dad to their side! Their photo quickly went viral and gained over two million likes.

Baby bargaining


Vicki wasn't the only one to need some assistance convincing her partner to have a baby. This guy really wanted to have a child so he asked Facebook for help.

Rescue cat


The beginning of the trend started in November when a dad told his two kids that if a picture of the two of them asking for the pet got 1,000 likes on Facebook, he would give in and get them a rescue cat. Little did he know how quickly 1,000 likes would happen!