Most fathers have absolutely no idea how to do their daughter's hair. I remember one time my mom had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days after undergoing a minor surgery. By the time she got back, my head looked like a bird's nest. My poor dad had given up at the first sign of a hair clip!
But it seems like one ingenious father found a creative way to style his little girl's hair. As can be seen in the clip below, he actually uses his household vacuum cleaner to pull the daughter's hair back into a perfect ponytail and then push the hair tie onto her head!
Can you believe that?! The video has gone viral and elicited all sorts of reactions on the web from those claiming it's dangerous to those thinking the whole act is kinda genius. Personally, I think it's HILARIOUS, not to mention pretty clever. After all, a dads gotta do what a dads gotta do, right?
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But perhaps it would be a smart idea for the YouTube user who posted the video to add a disclaimer reading: Only try this at home if you have a low-power vacuum. I can just see dads all over the world seeing this clip and then pulling out their supersonic cleaners–which probably isn't the best idea, particularly for those poor little girls on the other side of the experiment.
Oh and one more word of advice? Remember to clean the vacuum tube before using it on your daughter's hair!
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGOyBWs6IJo
Image via Youtube