7-year-old boy writes letter to Lego after losing toy & gets best response EVER!

Lego is officially the best toy company ever. Why? After a 7-year-old British boy wrote to the customer service department about losing one of his favorite toys, they responded with a super sweet letter of their own!

Luka Apps was super excited to buy a Lego Ninjago Ultra Sonic Raider with the money he got for Christmas. So excited in fact, that he wanted to bring one of the figurines, Jay ZX Lego character, with him everywhere! Despite his dad's warning that he might lose it, little Luka insisted on bringing the action figure with him on a recent trip … and as you can probably guess, the father was right to warn him! The toy managed to fall out of the boy's pocket while he was at a store, leaving him heartbroken and upset.

Instead of wallowing however, the young child decided to take action. He wrote an adorable letter to the company that read:


My name is Luka Apps and I am seven years old. With all my money I got for Christmas I bought the Ninjago kit of the Ultrasonic Raider. The number is 9449. It is really good.

My Daddy just took me to Sainsburys and told me to leave the people at home but I took them and I lost Jay ZX at the shop as it fell out of my coat. I am really upset I have lost him. Daddy said to send you a email to see if you will send me another one.

I promise I won't take him to the shop again if you can.

– Luka

Adorable right? But the best part is what happened next! After a short period of time, Luka received an amazing reply from Richard, a Lego customer service representative.

 "Luka, I told Sensei Wu that losing your Jay minifigure was purely an accident and that you would never ever ever let it happen ever again," Richard wrote, referring to a character from the Ninjago line. He went on to tell the young boy that Sensei Wu believed Luka's father was a "very wise man" and that he had given Richard permission to send the little boy a replacement 

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To the boy's surprise, Richard also included another toy along with his replacement because, as written in the letter,  "anyone that saves their Christmas money to buy the Ultrasonic Raider must be a really big Ninjago fan."

Aww! Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever heard? With such a simple gesture, the Lego rep made the little boy so happy … and secured a lifelong customer!

Now, I only have one suggestion for other toy companies around the world: Follow their example!

Imave via Luka Apps/Twitter